The ‘Shattered Land,’ Aruchel, is an enigma among the Four Corners. Fractured from the powerful flux of the Scouring, the continent, along with its rich history, was utterly torn apart. Unlike the other lands, Aruchel’s high concentration of magnetic iron was charged and polarized, causing what would have been mundane islands to ‘float’ into the sky. Only Apokalyps, the massive central volcano, remained tethered to the sea, though even it was drastically changed.
As the islands ascended into the air, the waters below rushed in to fill their space, all but extinguishing the caldera. Once flowing with lava, Apokalyps now stands empty, its gaping maw a dark pit full of strange secrets only known to the Elshdadi. The thick steam from the boiling seas created a heavy fog that has never lifted, a mist so dense that monsters once confined to the oceans below are now able to ‘swim’ within the murky clouds above. As the smaller islands rhythmically rise and fall with the seasons, vile creatures wait for them to dip into the fog, seizing the opportunity to terrorize and feast upon their wary inhabitants.
For hundreds of years, the threat of fog and the monsters therein loomed over Aruchel, until Tural, a Welshman, invented an airship strong enough to carry souls and cargo safely between the isles. The technology spread rapidly and, in due time, most of the region’s inhabitants relocated onto the five main islands where they’ve enjoyed relative security. In recognition of his contribution to society, Tural was named Shepherd, ‘The People’s King’ of Aruchel (though he wanted nothing of the sort). The Shepherd ruled justly, and his tenure was a peaceful one, but such calm is surely not to last. Cracks were already revealing themselves.
Anticipating rising tensions, Tural’s last act as ruler was to delegate governance of one island to each of the Five Factions, with the citadel of Cadarnle presiding over the federation, a stalwart beacon of leadership and defiance against the monsters of fog and sea. The dwarven peoples were given Beludar and tasked with mining, stone craft, and woodworking. Fanrong went to those of Asian descent, whose prowess in raising and training soldiers is strategic for military and defense. The isle of Pielzik falls under the auspices of Mesopotamia, particularly those Egyptians versed in politics and the establishment of embassies. Former Aztec nations were given authority over Arutoman, the seat of agriculture and the continental food supply. The remaining inhabitants gathered to Elshdad, which has become the center of invention, technology, and exploration. While the politics of the Shattered Land is relatively young and tenuous, The Watchers continue to keep a close eye upon the realm.
Many discoveries have yet to be made in Aruchel. The outer islands, mostly abandoned, hold wonders and secrets reserved only for the most daring adventurers. Giant wyrms burrow throughout the isles, the largest claiming Apokalyps itself as its domain. Flickering portals sputter on and off within the wyrm tunnels, while bizarre and dangerous creatures lurk in the seas below and in the mists above. Yes, there is plenty to discover in Aruchel. And plenty that should be left well-enough alone.