Rolling hills and verdant fields are the hallmarks of this ancient Aztec culture. In the old days, everything grew easily in Arutoman, with little effort or regard to soil conditions. But now, due to over-production and lack of stewardship, this once-fertile land is struggling to keep up with the rapidly increasing population. The ave
Rolling hills and verdant fields are the hallmarks of this ancient Aztec culture. In the old days, everything grew easily in Arutoman, with little effort or regard to soil conditions. But now, due to over-production and lack of stewardship, this once-fertile land is struggling to keep up with the rapidly increasing population. The average citizen toils in agriculture from sun up until sundown, producing food for the masses of Aruchel and beyond. Unlike the rest of the Floating Isles, Arutoman was deliberately left uneducated in a systematic attempt by the aristocracy of Pielzik to suppress and secure a laborer class. As a result, Arutomans tend to be very ignorant and superstitious, leaving them with few options other than to work the fields as they’ve done for generations.
Arutoman is the only faction that doesn’t have a formal leadership structure. The island is comprised loosely of ten districts, each represented by a delegate called, a ‘Voice.’ Each Voice brings the requests of his/her constituents to the general assembly where laws and policies are discussed, usually with no tangible progress. The resulting poverty and backbreaking labor have driven the people of Arutoman to bitterness and discontent. They despise the other factions for their loftier stations, but especially so the scholarly class of Pielzik, whom the Arutomans hold primarily responsible for their lowly position. Despite having the largest population, the faction of Arutoman doesn’t have much of a voice when it comes to politics and lobbying in Cadarnle. For years, the region has been asking to expand its cultivation into other nearby islands in an effort to meet demand, but this has only been met with lip service. The fear is that, if granted, other factions would clamor for the same privileges, resulting in land wars throughout the continent. Petitions have also been made asking the capital to pressure Elshdad into focusing its efforts on developing low-cost farm machinery rather than on more lucrative, fanciful inventions, but so far, this approach has fallen on deaf ears. At the end of the day, Aruchel is still ruled by economics.
Even with its shortcomings, there is much to discover on Arutoman. Topping the list are the Soul Spire Mountains, a group of three rocky outcroppings that mark the flat island’s only real change in elevation. Finding a guide can be difficult, though, as the superstitious locals fear that ancient evil spirits occupy the treacherous heights. If temples are your thing, the Heart of the Beast offers a glimpse into Arutoman’s cryptozoological roots. This crumbled structure is said to have been built by the hands of immortal beings long before the Scouring and subsequent fracture of the continent. Here, a massive bronze brazier burns perpetually for fear that, should the flames die out, an ancient subterranean creature will awaken beneath the stone. And speaking of creatures, one cannot visit Arutoman without hearing tales of the Wanderer. This legendary cryptid of wind and magic supposedly makes its home among the fields, splitting itself into hundreds of small tornados that protect and keep watch over the laborers of the land.
Entrusted to the dwarven race, Beludar is pitted with vast mines laden with precious metals, ores, and gems. Those working-class inhabitants not delving the caverns for raw materials are busy manning the iron forges to smelt them. Artisans, meanwhile, smith all manner of ornaments and weapons for both the commoner and the wealthy. There
Entrusted to the dwarven race, Beludar is pitted with vast mines laden with precious metals, ores, and gems. Those working-class inhabitants not delving the caverns for raw materials are busy manning the iron forges to smelt them. Artisans, meanwhile, smith all manner of ornaments and weapons for both the commoner and the wealthy. There are none finer throughout the Four Corners of Katharsis.
The dwarves of Beludar work tirelessly at their craft - their forge fires never go out. While other races may find this work laborious, tedious, and at times claustrophobic, the dwarves find true pleasure in the process. And that process certainly pays off. Beludar as a whole enjoys relative wealth and security, while its folk indulge in much food, drink, and other creature comforts. It’s true that the majority live underground, residing in recessed nooks within the caverns, but they do so by choice, preferring stone over sky.
Beludar is governed by a council of twelve families that answer to King Tibadoux August II. The families, each surnamed for a calendar month, coronated Tibadoux after the death of his father, August I, to lead the dwarves through a period of continued prosperity. As a result, Beludar’s diplomacy and standing within Aruchel has never been stronger. Edicts are simple, but strictly enforced (even for non-residents). Those found breaking the law, seldom do so twice, as capital punishment is the norm for repeat offenders.
Though friendly with all factions of Aruchel, Beludar prefers trading with Pielzik due to that aristocracy’s willingness to pay astronomical sums of coin to impress their guests with fine craftsmanship. Even so, while dwarves do have a reputation for being shrewd and tight-fisted toward those with means, they also have a generous soft spot for those less fortunate. In that vein, Beludar supplies tools and other basic machinery at cost to Arutoman out of respect for its observably difficult conditions. However, this charity is not without the hope that, should the need arise, the agrarian faction would be a staunch and ready ally to the dwarves.
As with the other floating isles of Aruchel, there is much to see and discover in Beludar. Dagger’s Edge Field is always a dangerous draw for tourists seeking treasure amidst its gigantic shards of razor-sharp gemstones. Many a wanderer, careful or not, has been sliced to the bone by the scalpel-like crystals. Paying homage to Beludar’s noble ancestry is the Tomb of Kings, where a massive round door, gilded with gold and rubies, watches over the bones of the faction’s fallen dwarf lords (though some speculate the crypt holds other darker, more powerful secrets). Guarded 24/7 by pair of elite warriors, the grounds and gardens are open to the public, but only the King has access into the sepulcher itself – the key around his neck serving as the symbol of his right to rule. If a taste of dwarven ale is your thing, the Hall of Hammers is a mainstay. This large tavern, owned and operated by Fargas ‘Fargy’ March, boasts six floors, half of which are subterranean. But you’ll have to know someone (or something) to get into the underground levels of this speakeasy, as rumors and information flow as freely as the ale.
A true melting pot, Elshdad is comprised of hundreds of ethnicities, mostly representing minorities leftover from the initial land distribution of Aruchel. Invention and innovation are what unite this faction. Flying ships, towering metal factories, roaring machines, fire forges, and smoke are constant sights throughout the land, as go
A true melting pot, Elshdad is comprised of hundreds of ethnicities, mostly representing minorities leftover from the initial land distribution of Aruchel. Invention and innovation are what unite this faction. Flying ships, towering metal factories, roaring machines, fire forges, and smoke are constant sights throughout the land, as goggled inhabitants bustle about, covered with oil and soot in a happy chaos. The Elshdadi love their work. Eccentric and joyful, the alchemists, inventors, mechanics, and engineers all seem to work together in synchronized harmony to ‘get things done.’ Explorers from this island are sent throughout Aruchel’s uninhabited lands, and even to Apokalyps itself, in search of new discoveries and lost technology to bring to the artificers.
Elshdad actively avoids being pulled into the drama of other factions – they are too busy inventing and manufacturing to be distracted by such frivolity. Unfortunately, the creators rarely ask themselves the ethical question as to whether or not something should be done just because it could be done. As a sad result, innovations for devices of war and greed far outweigh those for devices of peace and charity. Elshdad’s greatest invention, of course, is the airship. Originally created by Tural and built in the famous Ship Yard District, airships are made-to-order for delivery throughout the Four Corners.
Tural himself is the undisputed leader of Elshdad. All new discoveries and innovations are first brought to his team’s attention through the sprawling guild hall that bears his name. Only 10% of new inventions are released to the public for production, leaving many to speculate what other wonders remain secret within Tural’s Hall. Serving as ambassador to Cadarnle, Tural’s efforts are mainly focused on keeping the powerful in check and insuring basic rights to the people. The grumblings of Arutoman and the political ambitions of Pielzik have been constant threats to the peace and harmony of Elsdad – tensions that Tural desperately wants to remedy.
Capitalizing on its Asian disciplines, Fanrong produces and trains soldiers of the highest caliber. Children enter military camps at the age of 6, where they learn basic skills, develop physical fitness, and study the art and strategy of warfare. This training, however, is not intended for combating fellow citizens, but rather for neut
Capitalizing on its Asian disciplines, Fanrong produces and trains soldiers of the highest caliber. Children enter military camps at the age of 6, where they learn basic skills, develop physical fitness, and study the art and strategy of warfare. This training, however, is not intended for combating fellow citizens, but rather for neutralizing monsters, whether in the nearby mists of Aruchel or beyond the Dark Lands of Thura. After basic training, the conscripts are assigned to their various military branches based on their proficiencies.
At the top of Fanrong’s strict and complex leadership structure is the Emperor, descended from a self-appointed dynasty since the colonization of the island. Beneath him are eight generals who oversee the military’s branches, and two superintendents who preside over the region’s economy and social interests.
Of all of the factions, Fanrong is the most reclusive, even remaining somewhat distant from Cadarnle itself. Any necessary interactions with the other factions are kept as brief and efficient as possible. If a meeting doesn’t have a stated strategic purpose, Fanrong won’t be there. For the most part, this bend toward isolationism is accepted as simply part of military discipline, but there is a growing concern that New Asia is heading toward becoming its own sovereign state, independent of the rest of Aruchel. Time will tell as Cadarnle continues to monitor the situation through Pielzik’s ambassadors.
Egyptian culture has stood the test of time and scourings. To the outsider, an almost completely barren region would be an uninhabitable wasteland, but to those descendants of Pielzik, the terrain is perfectly suited for building cities, providing and endless supply of stone and flat, empty space needed for expansion. A sprawling metr
Egyptian culture has stood the test of time and scourings. To the outsider, an almost completely barren region would be an uninhabitable wasteland, but to those descendants of Pielzik, the terrain is perfectly suited for building cities, providing and endless supply of stone and flat, empty space needed for expansion. A sprawling metropolis of sturdy houses, towering skyscrapers, and breathtaking pyramids, Pielzik is truly a sight to behold.
Generally speaking, Pielzikans are wealthy and accustomed to ‘softer’ jobs requiring little-to-no manual labor. Higher education and politics are the currency of this faction. Those trained in politics are often employed as ambassadors to the capital city of Cadarnle. Those trained in education are deployed as traveling scholars throughout Aruchel. Both professions see themselves as superior to other classes and factions, even among their fellow Pielzikans, and especially compared to those of Arutoman. Even so, most Pielzik citizens would not openly admit espousing such feelings of superiority. Elshdad is perhaps the only faction Pielzik views as (almost) equal due to its knack for invention and engineering. The two regions often coordinate with each other on advanced projects, especially those with potentially lucrative outcomes.
Like its Egyptian predecessors, a Pharoah sits atop the power pyramid of the region. A Mage of untold ability, this supreme ruler resides in the actual pyramid of Isfet. This massive construct of bleached white stone towers 1200ft (365m) above the plain. It has no visible entrances and anyone foolish enough to attempt exploration of it has only returned with horrible, incurable diseases. Claiming to be 1000 years old, Pharoah is enigmatic and seldom seen in public, hidden away in the depths of the pyramid, alone, reportedly without guards or servants. As far as the people know, he doesn’t eat, drink, or sleep, only emerging once per week to proclaim edicts to the populace. Pharoah is equally feared and revered for his stern-but-wise leadership of Pielzik into wealth and stability.
The great pyramids are, of course, a main attraction for visitors to Pielzik. The famous upside-down pyramid of Ankh, though difficult to get to in the middle of the desert, is an interesting specimen. This 100ft (30m) tall, sand-colored structure is perfectly balanced on its point and completely immovable – a feat of engineering that remains a mystery to this day. Some believe Ankh to have healing powers, but that, of course, hasn’t been proven. The pyramid of Ma’at, second in size to Isfet, was built shortly after Aruchel was reinhabited post-Scouring. An annual competition is held each year in which participants attempt to ascend to the top for a prize of pure gold while besting foul creatures roaming each of the pyramid’s twenty levels. So far, none have survived to claim the prize. The northern corner of Pielzik is home to Tuta Tuta, the most feared desert in all of Katharsis. Supernatural heat, wind, and sandstorms make crossing this arid wasteland nearly impossible. Many believe Tuta Tuta hides several more pyramids with untold riches (and perils), but only the sandskrits would know.
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