Welcome, adventurer, to a world of items yet to be explored - lore and legends waiting to be discovered! The Obscuria of Katharsis is far too vast for any one person to catalog, and this is where YOU come in…
This compilation of books, events, institutions and people has been gleaned from brief mentions and hints scattered throughout the mythos. Should you be so inclined, help us by expounding upon these entries, thereby aiding other adventurers, like yourself, to better navigate the Four Corners. And who knows? If the Dungeon Masters like what you submit, you may find yourself added to our eclectic band of scribes.
-Baldrick’s Guide to Wilderness Survival (book, ref. Creature Compendium Vol. 1, ‘Carrion Grackle’)
-A Botanist’s Guide to Peas and Carrots (book, ref. campaign ‘Lost Envoys of Alnico Island,’ ‘The Stricklands’)
-Chronicles of Draigwych (book, ref. Random Encounters Module 'A' A08)
-Creed of the Whumpus (creed, ref. Creature Compendium Vol. 1, ‘Whumpus’)
-Dialects of Degenerates (treatise, ref. Creature Compendium Vol. 1, ‘Hill Ogre’)
-Dr. Aesculap’s Vice & Virtue (book, ref. Creature Compendium Vol. 1, ‘Mind Masher’)
-The Ear of Malchus (scroll, ref. Creature Compendium Vol. 1, ‘Root Hulk’)
-Handbook of Wiseguy Etiquette (book, ref. Creature Compendium Vol. 1, ‘Swamp Thug’)
-Lessons from the Frontier (book, ref. Creature Compendium Vol. 1, ‘Justabunni’)
-The Mariner’s Almanac (book, ref. Creature Compendium Vol. 1, ‘Benthic Walker’)
-Musclehead Magazine (periodical, ref. Creature Compendium Vol. 1, ‘Smack Talker’)
-The Naturalist Manifesto (book, ref. Creature Compendium Vol. 1, ‘Wasteland Elk’)
-The Nature of Harmony (book, ref. Creature Compendium Vol. 1, ‘Centorc’)
-The Noble Peasant’s Guide to Mischief (book, ref. Creature Compendium Vol. 1, ‘Gargoyle’)
-Obscura Medica (book, ref. Creature Compendium Vol. 1, ‘Desert Chit’)
-Rebellion on the High Seas (book, ref. campaign 'The Artificer Awakens')
-The Rule of the People (book, ref. Creature Compendium Vol. 1, ‘Hydraterrapin’)
-Sanity’s Thin Strand (book, ref. campaign ‘Lost Envoys of Alnico Island,’ ‘Magnus the Wretched’)
-Scroll of Fifths (scroll, ref. Creature Compendium Vol. 1, ‘Whumpus’)
-The Seafarer’s Song (poem, ref. Creature Compendium Vol. 1, ‘Plunder Prawn’)
-Song of Potimkin (poem, ref. Creature Compendium Vol. 1, ‘Big-Horned Battle Yak’)
-Continental Treaty of 26 AGC (treaty, ref. Random Encounters Module ‘A’ A02)
-Vale Mudslide of 167 AGC (natural disaster, ref. Creature Compendium Vol. 1, ‘Mud Golem’)
-Vanquishing Day (celebration, ref. Creature Compendium Vol. 1, ‘BOB’)
-Watchmen Slaughter of 330 AGC (battle, ref. Random Encounters Module ‘A’ A07)
-Anethrim (order of advisors, ref. Creature Compendium Vol. 1, 'Werebat')
-Arcus Findlay’s, Ltd. (company, ref. Creature Compendium Vol. 1, ‘Crop Watcher’)
-Belgian Ironworks (company, ref. Creature Compendium Vol. 1, ‘Belgian Clanker’)
-Council of Caldera (governing body of Dark Mages, ref. Creature Compendium Vol. 1, 'Werebat')
-Council of the Southern Seas (governing body, ref. Creature Compendium Vol. 1, 'Sand Skrit')
-Cryptid Monks/Maesteg Monastery (religious order, ref. Creature Compendium Vol. 1, ‘Collector of Precious Things;’ The Artificer Awakens)
-Delta Mafia (crime ring, ref. Creature Compendium Vol. 1, 'Swamp Thug')
-Guardian Council (commissioning body, ref. Creature Compendium Vol. 1, 'Rhonk')
-Hyvemeisters (naturalist order, ref. Creature Compendium Vol. 1, ‘Hyvemeister’)
-Pendetta (religious/political order, ref. Creature Compendium Vol. 1, ‘Pendetta’)
-Sisters of the Forest (sorority, ref. Lost Envoys of Alnico Island)
-The Watchmen (military troop, ref. Random Encounters Module ‘A’ A07)
-Winslow’s Copperworks (company, ref. Creature Compendium Vol. 1, ‘Minionaut Guard’)
-Aura (alien lights, ref. Random Encounters Module 'A' A09)
-Ironbone (natural material, ref. Creature Compendium Vol. 1, 'Big-Horned Battle Yak')
-Spreading Green (disease, ref. Creature Compendium Vol.1, 'Rat Man')
-Titagranite (natural material, ref. Creature Compendium Vol.1, 'Incarcerator,' and 'Whumpus')
-Acidbane (Elenhendikash) (black dragon, ref. Random Encounters Module ‘A’ A16)
-Amethyon (tavern owner, ref. Random Encounters Module ‘A’ A20)
-Byron (bartender, ref. Random Encounters Module 'A', A11)
-Clovis (cannibal, ref. Random Encounters Module ‘A’ A18)
-Delvin Archipas (Pendetta of Cal, ref. Creature Compendium Vol. 1, ‘Pendetta’)
-Alfred F. Belgian (inventor, ref. Creature Compendium Vol. 1, ‘Belgian Clanker’)
-Elroy Bupkis (rural citizen, ref. Creature Compendium Vol. 1, ‘Nitpicker’)
-Marchurvias (Marco) Cothlorn III (merchant, ref. Random Encounters Module ‘A’ A04)
-Phineas Delver (researcher, ref. Creature Compendium Vol. 1, ‘Desert Chit’)
-Eretrimus (mine owner, ref. Random Encounters Module ‘A’ A20)
-Corky Fitzpatrick (field guide, ref. Creature Compendium Vol. 1, ‘Dire Bear’)
-Aridius Flavoflavius (philosopher, ref. Creature Compendium Vol. 1, ‘Hydraterrapin’)
-Freygall Family (farmers, ref. Random Encounters Module ‘A’ A01)
-Pinosh Gaskill (Dark Mage, ref. Random Encounters Module ‘A’ A17)
-Giovanni Gövan (wandering friar, ref. Random Encounters Module ‘A’ A19)
-Cornelius Hornbuckle (miner, ref. Lost Envoys of Alnico Island)
-Leroy Lonergan (comedic bard, ref. Creature Compendium Vol. 2, ‘Gnoll’)
-Thadrok Martin (hunting guide, ref. Creature Compendium Vol. 1, ‘Vale Moose’)
-Jackson McManus (innkeeper, ref. Random Encounters Module ‘A’ A05)
-Lord Melgar of Inguatay (royalty, ref. Creature Compendium Vol. 1, ‘Nerve Reaper’)
-Traegnes (Trae) Miliken (goblin priest, ref. Random Encounters Module ‘A’ A14)
-Lorus Millerson (Magnus the Wretched)(ref. campaign ‘Lost Envoys of Alnico Island’)
-Strymon Mortis (ignobleman, ref. Random Encounters Module ‘A’ A06)
-Dunagan Ness (cryptozoologist, ref. Creature Compendium Vol. 1, ‘Water Lion’)
-Dunbar Reynolds (survivalist, ref. Creature Compendium Vol. 1, ‘Psylocybe’)
-Grand Meister Sorrenson (teacher, ref. Creature Compendium Vol. 1, ‘Hyvemeister’)
-The Thatchers (family, ref. campaign 'The Artificer Awakens')
-Julian Trefang (biologist, ref. Creature Compendium Vol. 1, ‘Trefang Jungle Jumper’)
-Urdol the Vistage (anthropologist, ref. Creature Compendium Vol.1, 'Marsh Draco')
-Cleetus van Pelt (pioneer, ref. Creature Compendium Vol. 1, ‘BOB’)
-Tomkin Vasser (adventurer, ref. Creature Compendium Vol. 1, ‘Portal Wraith’)
-Dietrick von Dietrick (explorer, ref. Creature Compendium Vol. 1, ‘Bone Dragon’)