A ‘continent of contradiction,’ Thura’s beautiful coastlines bustle with fishing and trade. Its sunny ports are always busy, making for bountiful commerce and lucrative import and export. Such abundance and economic opportunity have made Thura the envy of the Four Corners, attracting inhabitants from all over Katharsis to its shores. Most newcomers are unaware, or simply in denial of the dangers lurking just beyond their comfortable existence.
While the smaller provinces of Ren and Solomon’s Keep don’t always see eye-to-eye with the forces of Kowen (Thura’s capital), a mutual threat compels them to work together in relative harmony. Life and light may be in abundance on the western seafront, but darkness and evil reside to the east beyond the great river. The region of Kruptos is home to both the Frachtis and Thalia forests - foul and gloomy places most dare not approach, let alone enter.
The Dark Lands, as they have come to be known, are riddled with unstable portals. These open doorways to time and space have granted access to countless hideous creatures pouring into the northeastern frontier. As a result, expedition, mapping, and surveying within those territories have all but ceased. But where most see danger and certain death, those adventurers intrepid enough to venture into the unknown see opportunity and potentially unimaginable wealth.
And so it is in Thura. As the general populace goes about its business in relative peace, those in positions of power prepare for war. From Ren’s Tower, to the great lookout of Gregoreo, to Solomon’s Keep, all eyes keep careful watch to the east, their armies hidden underground and in mountainous forts and strongholds along Snake’s Tongue, ever-ready for the day of calamity.