Like the ocean for which it’s named, this continent of islands and archipelagos is characterized by a culture and society influenced by the rhythm of the seas. Water, wind, and tides dictate the ebb and flow of life on Oceana. The natives who live here, and those thoughtful enough to consider its natural patterns, thrive among deep coves, safe harbors, and pure freshwater springs; while outsiders and the careless often find themselves dashed upon the reefs, wishing they had never ventured into this tropical paradise.
To call Oceana ‘isolated’ would be accurate, but oversimplified. Wide expanses of open waters, with their unpredictable tempests and abyssal depths, have shielded the island nation from external encroachment and threat. Indeed, this very geography is what protected Oceana from the ravages of the Great Chaos itself. As the world raged deeper into war, the fourth continent simply went about its business, riding the swells and living in rhythmic harmony as it has always done.
With such a timeless ecosystem, the inhabitants of Oceana have adapted a synergistic lifestyle, taking only as needed, existing in balance with the biome and with each other. Natural resources are shared – they may shift hands, much as waves move sands from one beach to another, but hoarding and exploitation are almost unheard of. This communal understanding has allowed Oceana to govern itself without any formalized rule. Elders are highly esteemed, and a collectively held reverence for the past tethers the populace to respect the ‘Old Ways’ as it moves forward into the future. Everything happens for a reason and in its proper time.
Island life is certainly unique, its people outwardly friendly and joyful, its wildlife colorful and abundant. Boisterous songs of unseen birds and animals can be heard echoing throughout the jungle, while sandy beaches meander along crystalline waters teeming with life. But the sun and sand have a way of anesthetizing one to the harsher realities of Oceana. Calm seas can quickly become chaotic maelstroms, the beauty of nature can turn deadly, and seemingly friendly residents can be deeply suspicious of outsiders. For those desiring the carefree island life of Oceana, we have these words of caution: Pay close attention, be respectful, mind the weather, and adapt if you hope to survive here.