Formed around what was once Australia in the days of Irth, New Hinterland is a continent of great diversity. From the icy peaks of Desolation Ridge, to the lush grasslands of The Vale, to the scorched dunes of the Aridian Desert, this is a land of rugged resilience – a trait shared by its varied and colorful inhabitants.
After the Scouring, most of the initial survivors settled near the alpha portal of Riverbend, which unsurprisingly became the capital city. Situated between several trade routes and waterways, Riverbend is a strategic location for not only New Hinterland, but for the entire Four Corners of Katharsis. In light of its political and economic importance to the world at large, it was decided that the metropolis would not be ruled by a king nor by a party, but rather by a High Council representing the Four Pillars of Nature, Sovereignty, Science and Magic. Comprised of intelligent Flora and Fauna, Free Folk, Architects, and (reluctantly) Dark Mages, the High Council is responsible for the edicts that govern the land.
Despite the High Council’s best efforts to maintain order, pockets of independence and outlaws can still be found. The Delta is particularly notorious for organized crime with ‘business’ connections reaching as far as the pirates of Oceana and the slavers of Aruchel. On a more positive note, the island province of Raven’s Beak was given its sovereignty for supreme acts of valor during the War.
As every child learns from primary school, New Hinterland was the provenance of Draigwych the Usurper and the epicenter of the Great Chaos and Seven Years War. Upon his defeat, unable to be killed, the beast was imprisoned under the volcano of Isla Caldera and bound by a wizard’s lock of seven seals. It’s been nearly 1000 years since his incarceration and the world is just now beginning to lay those dark days to rest, though most would feel better if Isla Caldera wasn’t also home to Wizard’s Watch, the seat of the Dark Mages.